For those of you on the same flight from Tokyo to Ulsan, arriving at 8pm, we will be organizing a rendezvous for you all before boarding your new flight in Tokyo, so that you can meet and mingle. We'll let you know the details asap! Keep checking here and on the Facebook group!
It looks like most of the schools are elementary schools with a few middle schools thrown in as well. Other than that, we don't have any information about the age of the students or the specific schools/apartment locations. That will all be disclosed at orientation.
Scott Kim, Footprints Korean Office Manager in Daegu, is organizing the pick-up from the airport. Once you have booked your flight, Tamra will let us know your itin and we will forward it to Scott. However, if you have for some reason booked through somewhere other than Tamra, PLEASE SEND US YOUR ITIN DETAILS ( so that we can ensure that you will be picked up at the airport!
we generally recommend "smart casual" (i.e. khakis/slacks with a collared shirt/blouse). They don't need business attire, but also shouldn't be in jeans and a t-shirt. In general, bright/unnatural hair colours are frowned upon as are facial piercings, but as long as it is tasteful (small nose/eyebrow ring) or easily hidden (tongue ring) then there won't be a problem. Tattoos should be covered up, though.