Thursday, August 28, 2008

Orientation etc

Here's what happened with orientation...

It is NOW confirmed. In Sept. The cancellation was not indeed a cancellation at all, and this was a miscommunication from the MOE rep who spoke to you. Further details to follow asap as I get them from the MOE. I promise. As soon as I know them, you will know them. Hang in there... Once you know the orientation dates, you will feel much more settled and comfortable with your new teaching responsibilities. I know. So, have patience and I will get them to you just as soon as I know them! It's important to us that you feel settled! Stay tuned! I won't leave you hanging.

Your teaching expectations now that you are all arriving at your schools...
I've been assured that your assigned co-teachers are to help you out for the first couple weeks with lesson ideas and preparation. So, you are not on your own! They are the ones with experience. Ask them many questions. Let them take the lead. While they are co-teachers, they can take most of the load in the beginning, and you should be able to watch and learn. If you have problems with your co-teacher, let us know. Also, Scott Kim, in Korea, is more than happy to help you with any concerns that may come up with the placement. He's also in your time zone. So, he will quickly and easily be able to get back to you. He's asked me to ensure that you have his email address and do feel free to send him your questions.(cc me though too, and we'll both work together to get your needs met)...


Also, I am looking at getting a Pegasus Teacher social gathering happening this weekend.
I'll let you know asap about this too. It will be a great way to mingle and unwind after your intense week of leaving/arrival.