Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Accepting applications for Pegasus Program's February EPIK placements in Ulsan and Busan!

Get your friends over to Korea to join you!!

Pegasus Program Feb 2009 accepting applications NOW
Deadline: November 15,2008
50 spots available in Ulsan; 50 spots in Busan!!
(See our Facebook page for more details & photos of current Pegasus Program September 2008 placements having fun already!)
need info? epikpegasusprogram@gmail.com
Why go with the Pegasus Program?
Because you won't have nearly as much fun with any other placement!
-- teach in Korea's public schools
-- the best support network for the whole process (from application through to the end of the year)
-- a placement organization that really, truly cares about you, the teachers!
(JUST ASK any current Pegasus Program teacher how hard we work to make sure they are alway having a great time, with great people!)
-- the opportunity to immediately meet other teachers in your city (30 teachers already placed in September; 50+ teachers being placed with the program in February!)
-- All Pegasus Program positions are in the same city and there will be numerous extra-curricular opportunities.
-- the best teaching hours anywhere; finish by 5pm every day!
-- blog and Facebook group to keep teachers connected
-- access to discounted travel throughout Asia – Thailand, Japan, China and more!
contract details:
300,000 KRW signing bonus ($300 USD approz)
Approx $2000/mth
apartment provided
airfare paid by Korean government (reimbursed upon arrival)
way less hours than working at a private academy!
and so much more!!
Pegasus Program Ulsan Sept 2008 photos:

To apply, please send your resume to epikpegasusprogram@gmail.com with a short paragraph about your international and or teaching experience thus far. (None needed, but we'd like to know about it if you have any!) Also, for the application process to the Korean government etc, we need a photo. If you can send this to me, I can start the application process and arrange an interview!