Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Accepting applications for Pegasus Program's February EPIK placements in Ulsan and Busan!

Get your friends over to Korea to join you!!

Pegasus Program Feb 2009 accepting applications NOW
Deadline: November 15,2008
50 spots available in Ulsan; 50 spots in Busan!!
(See our Facebook page for more details & photos of current Pegasus Program September 2008 placements having fun already!)
need info?
Why go with the Pegasus Program?
Because you won't have nearly as much fun with any other placement!
-- teach in Korea's public schools
-- the best support network for the whole process (from application through to the end of the year)
-- a placement organization that really, truly cares about you, the teachers!
(JUST ASK any current Pegasus Program teacher how hard we work to make sure they are alway having a great time, with great people!)
-- the opportunity to immediately meet other teachers in your city (30 teachers already placed in September; 50+ teachers being placed with the program in February!)
-- All Pegasus Program positions are in the same city and there will be numerous extra-curricular opportunities.
-- the best teaching hours anywhere; finish by 5pm every day!
-- blog and Facebook group to keep teachers connected
-- access to discounted travel throughout Asia – Thailand, Japan, China and more!
contract details:
300,000 KRW signing bonus ($300 USD approz)
Approx $2000/mth
apartment provided
airfare paid by Korean government (reimbursed upon arrival)
way less hours than working at a private academy!
and so much more!!
Pegasus Program Ulsan Sept 2008 photos:

To apply, please send your resume to with a short paragraph about your international and or teaching experience thus far. (None needed, but we'd like to know about it if you have any!) Also, for the application process to the Korean government etc, we need a photo. If you can send this to me, I can start the application process and arrange an interview!

More pics!

Stay tuned for Chuseok plans to amazing, historic Gyeongju!!

And meanwhile, check out more pics HERE!

Monday, September 1, 2008

MOE contract questions

Pegasus Program Teachers,

Please note that the following concerns/questions should be addressed to Scott Kim ( as he is essentially your Korean liaison with the MOE. All of the following issues can only be thoroughly answered by Scott and the MOE, as they are the MOE's responsibility and I have no control over the MOE process. So, if you are wondering/concerned how these issues are being handled, and when, please express your concerns to Scott. He will be able to answer you, and also will be able to alert the MOE to your concerns/questions.

Questions to ask Scott: REIMBURSEMENT, SETTLEMENT FEE, ORIENTATION, HOUSING and all MOE contract related questions...

Please remember, that you are an employee of the MOE. Unlike working in a private school, where we are able to have more contact with the individual schools and processes, when dealing with the MOE there are many more administration levels as it is the government. So, Scott is the one who understands the MOE process and knows who and how to contact the MOE and its schools about any questions/concerns. He also speaks Korean -- a big help. So, he really is your man if you have any MOE or contract questions/concerns.

Also, all of the coteachers are attending a meeting to get info to you about reimbursement, settlement fee, etc. If you still have questions after they have relayed this info to you, please contact Scott. Also know that it is in the coteacher's job description to help you in any way they can, in and out of the classroom. So, please do not worry about relying upon them, and asking them, for information. They are supposed to help you get settled -- in AND out of the classroom.

I hope this helps.
Also, as for what I personally can and will be doing: I am helping you teachers get connected with each other and familiar with the city as best I can, as this is part of the Pegasus promise to ensure you have the best time possible. The contract issues are Scott and the MOE's areas. The overall experience, the social side of teaching in Korea and communication with each other is MY area. (If you wish to alert me to any particular school/contract issues etc, that is fine. However, know that most of the time, I will simply have to pass these questions/concerns onto Scott as he is the one best equipped to handle them, and he is also the one dealing with the MOE.)

I am also still waiting to hear from Scott/MOE about the new orientation dates.
