In Korea, you will soon notice how INCREDIBLY BEHIND North America is when it comes to technology.
Back in 2000, when almost no one I knew back in Canada had a cell phone because they were way too large, cumbersome and expensive -- only those who worked in real estate, or had some other sort of mobile job thought they were worthwhile -- everyone, AND I DO MEAN EVERYONE in Korea had cell phones. Even small children! I saw them squatting on street corners chatting away on the phone to family and friends. And texting was truly the way to communicate. The phones were teensy too. I could slide mine in my back jeans pocket, much like the RAZR that came out about a year ago. But I had my Korean RAZR back in 2000! It is incredible how advanced Asian countries are when it comes to TVs, phones, and cameras!! Now... finally... about 8 years later, we seem to have caught up and everyone here seems to have a cell phone. We are texting, listening to music, and taking photos with our phone. But Koreans were doing all that more than 5 years ago! But our phones still do not compare!
To the left, look at this LG phone. That's about what my LG phone looked like, back in 2000...
Now, check out this YouTube video of a "low-end cell phone" from a few months ago. It is cheap and without a contract (pay as you go). In other words a real cheap-o phone, by their standards.
So, NEVER doubt how advanced Korea will be when you get there...