Monday, June 23, 2008

Canadian, eh? Well, Canada Day is coming!!

Hey all you Canadians!! As Canada Day approaches, your thoughts may be wandering back to the homeland... So, we thought we'd make sure everyone knows about the excellent Canada Day festivities taking place around Korea! reports that this year the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Korea is putting on yet another great event, with more than 1000 Canadians expected to turn out! They call it "the biggest outdoor event in the foreigner community." At the event, they say there will be "a tug of war, three-legged races and frisbee toss - all reminiscent of the festivities of Canada Day back home." has also posted the following information about the upcoming Canada Day Fest 2008 in Seoul:

"The price of admission gets you through the gates and access to the games, door prizes, live music and the other afternoon festivities.

Tickets for the event can be purchased before Tuesday, June 24th through the CCCK website ( There are NO ticket sales at the door!

Sunday, June 29, 2008
12:00pm - 6:00pm

Nanji Campground (near Worldcup Stadium Subway Station - Line #6)
shuttle bus available from Exit #1

TIX: 25,000KRW (plus food & drinks)
*Buy 5 tix, get 1 free


Pita Time Beef/Chicken/Garden Pita (6,500won)
Outback Steakhouse Burger Meal (15,000won*)
Outback Steakhouse Rib-eye Steak (25,000won*)
*includes salad, fixings & dessert

For more information or to register, please visit"

Hey, there will even be a Canadian Idol Korea competition at Canada Fest!!
According to the Korea Times, "two bands [who have been] selected on May 31... will then perform live on a large outdoor stage in front of 1,000 roaring fans." Apparently, as quoted in the Korea Times, Canadian Chamber of Commerce Korea chairman, Simon Bureau, says that ``the CCCK felt it would be a good idea to have some local talent for our annual Canada Day Fest."

That sounds like fun to us!! We hope you'll check it out!!!

We've also heard that Club FF in the Hongdae area of Seoul is putting on "Summer Tribute Party" Saturday, June 28, and many Canadians will likely be there. It sounds like a good time.

Or, if you are in the Suwon area, there's festivities going on too... Check out this
Facebook event, about the local pub activities this coming weekend!!

Near Incheon? Check out this Facebook event posting!